A Book/Film Review

Things to Do:

Pair Work

  1. List several books/movies that you already read/saw;
  2. Choose one of the books/movies that you want to review;
  3. Find information on the book/movie on the Web;
  4. Write a review about the book/movie with the information from the Web;
  5. Send the review to your teacher via e-mail.

Suggested Web Sites:

BookPage.com http://www.bookpage.com/

Worldbookreview.com http://www.worldlibraries.com/

Australian Book Review http://home.vicnet.net.au/~abr/

Movie Review Query Engine http://www.mrqe.com/

Search Engines:

Google http://www.google.com/

Yahoo! http://www.yahoo.com/


A review submitted to your teacher via e-mail

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